Four Tips to Tracking Weight Loss

If you’re interested in tracking weight loss to help you know whether or not you’re achieving your target and goals, there are a number of benefits to doing so. Many people find that it’s helpful to use a tracking system in order to make sure that they are staying on top of their goals. This can help you to learn about which practices are most beneficial toward your goal of weight loss and which ones may not be as beneficial or may actually harm your progress.

Losing weight should be a gradual process in order to be healthy. It requires a combination of exercise, proper diet and more. All of these various elements can be tracked in different ways to help you stay on course to achieving your goal.

1. Keep a Food Journal

A food journal is helpful in that it forces you to keep close track of all of the foods that you eat. Continue to eat foods as normal, but every time that you do, mark them down in your food journal. You may be surprised at how much you actually eat if you tend to snack a lot or if you don’t keep careful track of the food that you ingest on a normal basis. You can also count up the calories and the fat in the food that you eat by keeping tabs in your food journal as well; you may even wish to monitor the other nutrients that you’re getting as well so that you can be sure that you have a properly balanced diet.

2. Keep an Exercise Log

An exercise log should go along with a food journal. Set up goals for each week of how long you’ll work out, how many exercise sessions you’ll engage in and what you’ll do for each. Keep close track of your results and enter them honestly and punctually. This will help you to gauge your progress relative to your goals.

3. Weigh Yourself Regularly

The key to recognizing patterns in your weight loss is to weigh yourself regularly. Choose a particular day of the week to weigh yourself and do so every week, without fail. Record your weight along with your exercise log or your food journal so that you can monitor your process. Take note of the weight difference each week and compare it with the foods that you ate and the exercise that you got the previous week as well.

4. Weigh Yourself at the Same Time

Your weight goes through natural fluctuations throughout the day. You may find that your readings are somewhat out of order if you take your weight reading at different times of the day. For this reason, it’s a good idea to weigh yourself at the same time with every weigh-in. Try weighing yourself in the morning when you first wake up for an accurate set of results in your tracking.

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Written by Amsoliman

A Pupliser In Many Fields.